Disc Golf

York County is home to what’s referred to as the “Augusta National” of Disc Golf. The United State Disc Golf Championship is held at Winthrop University’s Disc Golf Course every October, bringing the best disc golfers in the country right to York County!


Where disc golf originated is unclear, but one of the earliest records of the game being played was in Canada in 1927 by a group of school kids throwing trash can lids at various objects (baskets) around the playground. Disc Golf came around again in the 60’s when students would throw frisbees into 50-gallon trash cans or at trees. In the 70’s, modern disc golf was introduced at the Canadian Open Frisbee Championships. While It’s impossible to know who invented disc golf, “Steady” Ed Headrick is dubbed the Father of Disc Golf because he patented the Frisbee in 1966 and the Disc Golf Pole Hole in 1975. In 1983, Innova Disc Golf, founded by Dave Dunpace, patented the world’s first disc designed specifically for Disc Golf. Since then, Innova has helped to grow the sport and build courses around the world.

Tips From A Pro

New to the game and want to know some tips and tricks from the experts? Here's what they have to say about starting out:

  • Have patience
  • Don't be a distraction to others
  • "Honor the tee"
  • Pace your play

What does all this mean? Check out Disc Golf United's guide to the Basics of Disc Golf Etiquette here.

Join a League

Disc Golf is often played on 9 or 18 holes, with a plastic disc being strategically thrown into a metal basket. With popular disc maker Innova Discs being located in Rock Hill, Disc Golf’s popularity has skyrocketed with several courses across the county to enjoy.

These courses are designed for both beginners and experts, so hit the “links” and try your hand at York County’s latest craze:

  • Rock Hill Disc Golf Club - Join here
    -Open to everyone // Free to play
    -Plays Tuesday evenings at various courses
  • Rock Hill Ladies League - Join here
    -Open to women and children // Free to play
    -Plays Wednesday evenings at Fewell Park
    -Loaner discs are available + prizes given away at each weekly round

Not ready to join a league? Browse our listings below to find your perfect practice course!