From Thursday to Sunday, a 375-foot replica of the VIetnam Veterans Memorial, the Wall That Heals, is on display 24 hours a day at the BMX track at Riverwalk Carolinas. This replica is made of 140 numbered panels with more than 58,000 names engraved of those Vietnam War veterans that gave their lives or are still missing. The wall has been traveling since 1996 and has been displayed in nearly 600 communities across the United States. Just like the original memorial, you are able to do rubbings of the names on this wall as a keepsake of your visit. There is also a a mobile education center on site, filled with information about the Vietnam War, hometown heroes, and items that people have left at the memorial in Washington DC. To learn more about the Wall That Heals, click here. 

Fast Facts About The Wall That Heals : 

58,276 names on the wall 

1,500+ service members unnacounted for from the vietnam war 

8 women on the wall 

375 feet long 

The Wall has visitied 600 cities

22 years, 9 months is the average age of service members on the wall

15-years-old, age of the youngest service member

400,000+ items have been left at the wall 

40 sets of brothers 

3 sets of fathers and sons 

How to Find a Name on the Wall

wall that heals

Names are arranged in order of date of casualty and alphabetically on each day, beginning at the center with panel 1E and moving right. Next to names you'll notice either a diamond symbol or a cross. The diamond marks a service member that is presumed dead, while the cross denotes a service member that is missing or had a prisoner status when the wall was built in 1982 and remains unaccounted for. When the service member is identified, the diamond symbol is replaced. 


Thursday: October 24th, 2019:

10 AM: The American Legion Color Guard, JROTC sets Wreaths/Taps 

6:30 PM: Taps 


Friday: October 25th, 2019: 

9 AM -4 PM:  School Visits

6:30 PM: Taps


Saturday: October 26th, 2019: 

10 AM: Honors Ceremony: Ceremony will include a keynote address and a pinning ceremony of local veterans that served from 1955 to 1975 

6:30 PM: taps 


Sunday: October 27th, 2019

1:30PM: Closing ceremony with taps 

2 PM: Wall Closes