The Visit York County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously this morning to approve Andy Clinton, Interim President & CEO. This comes as Billy Dunlap announced that he will be stepping down from his position to accept a new role outside the organization.
“As the board, we have watched as Andy has worked incredibly hard to enhance our destination and produce the economic impact needed to support our hospitality partners, said Visit York County Board Chair, Brown Simpson. We are confident that he will lead the organization in a positive direction during this transition.”
Clinton has worked with Visit York County in various capacities over the past decade, including visitor services, sales director, and most recently Senior Vice President of Sales. Clinton is a native of Rock Hill and has been instrumental in bringing events that produce a large economic impact for York County.
“Billy built a great foundation for Visit York County over the past four years, and I look forward to the opportunity to continue to push our core missions in a positive direction,” said Interim President/CEO, Andy Clinton.
Dunlap’s last day with Visit York County will be February 25.