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Riverwalk Trail

  • Address:
  • 1000 Riverwalk Parkway , Rock Hill, SC 29730
  • Phone:
  • 803-329-5620
  • about

    OPEN DAILY 8AM–8PM (APR 1–SEP 30) / 8AM–6PM (OCT 1–MAR 31) The Piedmont Medical Center Trail, located in the Riverwalk community, offers scenic views of the Catawba River and is a great location for outdoor activities. The trail is 10 feet wide and connects to nearby River Park allowing users to begin their 3.35-mile trip from either park entrance (the trail does not loop.) With a brand new canopy-covered bridge, the enhancement is in addition to the City of Rock Hill’s existing 26 miles of walking trails throughout the Rock Hill community. The trail features flat areas as well as uphill and downhill stretches with steep grades. Along the trail are benches, garbage cans, pet stations and bridges. Restrooms are located at the parking lot. The trail is located in a flood plain and is subject to flooding. Use caution during and after periods of heavy precipitation.