George Fish School Monument

  • Address:
  • 401 Steele St , Fort Mill, SC 29715
  • about

    This monument marks the site of the George Fish School which was constructed in 1925 using Dr. Booker T. Washington’s central consolidated design. It was partly funded by the Julius Rosenwald Fund, and named for George Fish, Superintendent of Springs Cotton Mill Plants No. 1 and No. 2, who advocated for the brick structure design. From its completion in 1925 until 1968, it served grades one through twelve of the segregated African American community. From 1968 until 1986, it was integrated and served the greater Fort Mill community. The building was sold in 1986 and later demolished. Three principals served the George Fish School: Elliott L. Avery (1925-1938), Lemuel B. Moore (1938-1947), and James A. Castle (1947-1968). From 1968 until 1986 when George Fish was renamed Fort Mill Junior High (1969-1981) and Fort Mill Middle School (1981-1986), two principals served: Harold McCallum (1969-1981) and Stormy M. Young (1981-1986).

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